- admins choice: good api's scale horizontal and vertical!
- use api statistics!
- use web apis with simple commands on any platforms:
wget. curl - with this basics you can get an post almost everything! - api = open standards for everybody
- environments /api /api2 /apidevelopment /api/v1/ /api/v2
have time to integrate lagacy apps - definded standards on communication
- api for collecting
- api for pushing data
- api for reporting data
- api for getting configuration data
which api to use?
- maintainence: wo is updateing api, who many releases, milestones, roadmap?
- stability: check the features and bug list!
- popularity: how many poeple are useing it?
- team: team vs standalone?
- quality: who controlles versions/changes?
unit testing?
are there analyse tools for the api?
style guide?